Saturday, July 21, 2012

Smoked Salmon and Goat Cheese Toasts -- and a Winner!

These elegant appetizers are in the "impress the boss" league. The fact that they're so easy to prepare puts them in the "no brainer" category, too.  A double whammy.

It was hard to resist eating them as I was assembling them, and it is much more an assembly job than a bona fide recipe. Smoked salmon is a rare treat for me and something I usually reserve just for company. I have to admit, it was a spontaneous purchase -- when do you find smoked salmon on sale? -- and a luxurious indulgence for just me and Mr. Rosemary.

It was really just a good excuse to have a private little cocktail party on the back porch. These pretty little appetizers were perfect for a the steamy afternoons we've had this summer. But then again, I think they'd be perfect any time.

By the way, I didn't tell Mr. Rosemary that these toasts had goat cheese spread on them.  For some reason, he doesn't like it.  But when I told him it was just herbed cream cheese, well, that was okay. Go figure.

I got the recipe from Simply Recipes, adapting it ever so slightly.  Elise Bauer advises that it is the little sliver of lemon atop the toasts that makes all the difference.  She's right.  Don't be tempted to do without it.  (It won't look near as pretty either!)

I did make the herbed cheese myself, just by adding dill and grated lemon peel.  Elise used rosemary and thyme.   But you could also just buy already jazzed-up cheese making these bites even easier.  I also used pumpernickel bread and it didn't overpower the delicacy of the salmon as I feared.  Elise used a French baguette.  Either way, a definite winner.  Anyhow, I  liked the color contrast with the dark bread.

Smoked Salmon and Dilled Goat Cheese on Pumpernickel Toasts
slightly adapted from Simply Recipes

8 ounces soft goat cheese
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill
2 teaspoons grated lemon peel
1/2 teaspoons coarse black pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil
30 slices toasts
12 ounces thinly sliced smoked salmon
thinly peeled strip from one lemon, cut into tiny slivers*
extra dill for garnish, if you want

* Use a sharp vegetable peeler to peel wide strips from a lemon, Probably just one half  of a lemon will do.  Take a metal spoon and scrape any white pith away from the skin.  Then slice the peel into tiny, thin slivers.

Preheat the over to 350 degrees F.  Mix the goat cheese, dill, lemon zest and pepper and set aside.

Brush oil over the bread and arrange in a single layer on a large baking sheet.  Bake until the bread is just crisp about 5 minutes on each side.

Spread the cheese mixture over the toasts.  Top with pieces of salmon. And garnish with the lemon peel and a tiny bit of dill.

And, now   the winner of  The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook Susan of Create Amazing Meals.  Congratulations, Susan.  I know you'll love the book . . . and I'm pretty sure I'll be posting more cookie dough recipes here!


  1. Replies
    1. I don't often make them, but these were irresistible to me.

  2. One must treat themselves well at times. I think you've done a good job here. And, what a lovely setting to enjoy!!


    1. Sometimes the private little treats are just the ticket!

  3. My dear friend....your blog looks just lovely! And these salmon toasts? Well, I'm certainly impressed! These would be the perfect start to a delicious dinner party. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Wow that is such a classy little appetizer - looks delicious :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  5. Some people just irrationally hate goat cheese--I don't get it. What fabulous looking little appetizers, and a perfect use for Alaska smoked salmon.

    1. I could have eaten the whole little package of salmon unadorned. Little piggy.

  6. These are truly spectacular and I love that you've used brown bread. So pretty. I'll happily eat anyone's who doesn't like goat cheese...

    1. Hard to imagine anyone not liking goat cheese. I'll save a piece for you!

  7. Who needs to prepare a full dinner when one can enjoy these wonderful, intense-flavored cheese toasts! My kind of fare, especially when the temps are so high! And so impressive for guests too! Thanks for sharing!

    Be well, hugs,

    1. Twas a perfect little treat for an afternoon in the high 80's!

  8. This is really impressive. I love the presentation and the mix of flavors. Ypu always have a wonderful way of presenting your recipes. Your photos are always fantastic =)

    Myfudo here...Normally we'd never put a shameless plug back to us, but we just launched our new site and we would love for you to be a part of it. I'd love to share our newest launch with you, I hope you don't mind? Now that we are getting a new look...Myfudo is moving to a new domain This has been a project we have been working on for almost a year now. We just launched our new gallery submission site, and we are just thrilled. We’d be proud to have your work as part of our growing collection to continue to have a larger reach and further inspire all fellow food lovers out there! Please sign up and check us out (it's free)
    We look forward to seeing your wonderful pictures, as always.
    p.s. We are hosting a Kitchen Aid Mixer Giveaway to celebrate our new Yumgoggle site, we hope you'll participate =)

  9. Oh Rosemary! what a gorgeous post and the smoked salmon is perfection!
    Mary x

    1. We really shouldn't reserve treats like this for special occasions, should we?

  10. Thank you so much, Rosemary! I'm so excited! I'll be sure to let you know when I make something from this book!

  11. Men are so funny like that sometimes! I stopped telling my ex-husband the truth about what he was eating years ago!

    1. It's just a white lie, right? Not really deceitful, merely cunning.

  12. Hehehe! Wicked lady, sneaking the goats cheese past Mr R like that (I do the same ;) - gorgeous appetisers and gorgeous photos too.

  13. I could eat those as the main! Yummy!

  14. I'm with Angie, I'd just eat the whole plate and call it a day! Beautiful and so yummy!

    PS...congrats to Susan!

  15. Mmmm! What lovely little bites! Love that you made the flavors and bread work for your palate! Bet it was a perfect treat for a hot afternoon! What a lovely setting in which to enjoy them ... your own private garden party!

  16. I love that you used pumpernickel bread AND that telling Mr. Rosemary it was herbed cream cheese worked! (LOL) My husband isn't fond of goat cheese, as well...which actually leaves more for me! I bet these would be great with fresh baked salmon as well. Thanks for sharing!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'll try again.... Salmon and goat cheese, love them both and have to try this! That's an appetizer with a touch of class! I always say what "they" don't know won't hurt them. I had the same experience with a dish I made yesterday; disguised the name. The flowers are gorgeous!!!!

  19. That really is a lovely appetizer. Sometimes I neglect to mention the ingredients of a recipe too, and people like it just fine!


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